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I've always fallen in love with special women.

We all are, but only for those who know how to recognize it. And for me, special women are those with goals and passions, that if you look them in the eyes, infinite worlds of dreams and projects and thoughts and stories and visions, things read, hidden thoughts, enchanted worlds that perhaps really exist, in short, open up to you. women who are not afraid to walk on their own legs and make their way, without having the time to judge others or listen to the judgment of others.

Amazons, in short, and not because they are warriors,

but because still in close contact with Nature, Mother nourisher of wisdom,

com-passion and alchemical visions.  

In this place that has very little virtuality, I try to tell the beauty and, if possible, to bring some of it into your homes, with a selection of products created thinking about "care", first of all of Nature, because it is through the attention we have for the world that beauty and well-being come back to us, and envelop us protecting our body

and our soul. 


Connecting People to People

I am curious and constantly looking for the beauty around me.

If you think you can help me on my journey with recommendations, or if you want to start a collaboration, please write me here.

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