There was a time when the Christmas celebrations lasted a month, the month of December or Yule. In this period of the year the daylight does not last long, but it seems to be dilated, as if there was a veil above us to protect us from the world of Spirits, whose border, in the cold winter darkness, becomes blurred and it easily overlaps. to that of the world of the living.
Sleeping Nature, however, is now more alive than ever and the fields are emerald green.
The Norsemen (or Normans) must not have believed their eyes when they landed for the first time on the coast of Sicily centuries ago: pleasant fields, mountains with a temperate climate, lush pastures and clear waters, nothing to do with the vegetation based on mosses and lichens of the northern lands. Sicily has given so much to these populations, that in our land they found not only food and refreshment from the cold, but a place of trade. Their furs were exchanged for oriental silks; their whale fat with our gold, the grain. Their pagan gods joined our pre-Christian gods, in an almost natural mixture for a Sicily at that time Muslim, with a strong Christian tendency and with a solid pagan presence; perhaps the names changed, but the power that was venerated was the same: Odin, Thor, Freya, Lussi, Loki as Jupiter, Diana, Neptune, Mars, Demeter, Kore. And with the gods the holidays, so much so that even the Gregorian calendar is based on what were once the religious recurrences of paganism. The word Yule (from the archaic English: Christmas), most likely, derives from the Old Norse Hjól ("wheel"), indicating that in this period the year closed and therefore the circle.
After the winter solstice - the shortest day of the year - the sun will slowly begin to grow again and, with it, a new light, a new beginning will mark the slow awakening of Nature and the birth of its fruits. For this reason the Nativity is celebrated at Christmas, a birth even more precious because it harbors forgiveness, and for this reason we close the circle of the year on December 31st There was a time when the celebrations of Christmas lasted a month, the month of December or Yule. In this period of the year the daylight does not last long, but it seems to be dilated, as if there was a veil above us to protect us from the world of Spirits, whose border, in the cold winter darkness, becomes blurred and it easily overlaps. to that of the world of the living.
And in forgiveness, in the hope of a newfound kindness, we exchange gifts, thoughts and wishes with our loved ones. In doing so, this year and always, we think about the importance of Nature whose health marks the well-being of man, the latter closely linked to it in an indissoluble relationship of dependence.
For our "Christmas Gift" boxes we were inspired by Nature and painted them with water and colors.
If you want to make a gift from Nature to a loved one, with our products, just insert the word GIFT in the NOTES of your cart and we will use one of these hand-painted boxes to wrap your gift.
And if you want you can also enter a message to be delivered directly to the recipient (by entering his shipping address).
We wish you to fall in love with Life and to protect it, always, starting from the Earth.